Our World is Becoming more Digitalized

Nowadays, it is very common to be able to look anything up online. There used to be a time when if you had a question about something or just wondered about a specific topic, you were limited by how you could find out information. I remember growing up and getting knocks on the door to buy the full almanac of yearly information. These door-to-door solicitors were selling brand-name dictionaries so that if your family or friends had a question about, or wanted to learn more in-depth knowledge about a certain topic they could find out easily with these books. It wasn’t but a few years later that these almanacs became obsolete in internet research. (Hui, 2010)

Things have changed, if you have a question or want to look up certain facts about a topic, you can go to an online search engine extremely easily. Here you’ll be able to look up all sorts of information about your wildest fantasies. Any celebrity or world topic will be thoroughly discussed by a multitude of different outlets. While it can seem extremely overwhelming and thoroughly confusing how these groups can keep up so diligently with up-to-date information, news organizations have figured out how to make money and sustain off of this new information. (The Rise of Digital Journalism: Past, Present, and Future, 2021) With the help of advertising and news organizations, they stay diligent on the cultural phenomenon, so that you can get all of the pertinent information you need every day.


While it may seem better to sit out it is in your best interest to join this revolution. Posting and publishing your own information online today can eventually one day bring you to finding your own business in what new knowledge is present online. Even if that information is pop cultural reference And specific to a niche category, there is an audience that is seeking your ideas. Everything and anything can be researched online. It is time right now to contribute to the digitalization of new information. So don’t hold back, contribute what you know and add to the development of our collective knowledge.


Hui, S. (2010, August 30). Internet may phase out printed Oxford Dictionary. Mint. https://www.livemint.com/Industry/PodIQVreFLnt7HTfQkPwUJ/Internet-may-phase-out-printed-Oxford-Dictionary.html

The Rise of Digital Journalism: Past, Present, and Future. (2021, March 16). Maryville Online. https://online.maryville.edu/blog/digital-journalism/

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